Sunday, May 3, 2015

College Plus: My UNBOUND Story

Aubry’s post flashed across my screen: “UNBOUND! Tell YOUR story!” I ignored it and continued scrolling. There really wasn’t any story to tell, I convinced myself.

My unbound story isn’t flashy. It doesn’t have a creative title, or an exciting backstory. I’m not studying in a foreign country, interning with politicians, or helping film a movie.

It’s just me, little Riley Maas, who sings in the choir, loves math, and is the “advanced learner” with 63 credits in her junior year of high school. What story could I possibly have to tell? A little voice inside whispered, “Everything.”

UNBOUND means that even if I’m not doing anything flamboyant, I’m slowly but surely knocking out my credits. UNBOUND means that I’m done with high school a year early, ready to tackle my remaining CP courses head on. UNBOUND means that I am learning how to learn, so I can explore any topic imaginable! But most importantly, UNBOUND means that I will be ready for whatever God does with my life! I will be UNBOUND from a campus, UNBOUND from debt, and UNBOUND from society’s view of what truly living life means.

So really, my UNBOUND story is just beginning. And I can’t wait to see what happens next.


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