Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Goodbye, my beautiful plaid vest. Goodbye, my perky little bow tie.

I'll miss you so very much. SVCC just won't be the same without wearing you for every concert. I don't think I'll feel quite as professional without you wrapped around me as I sing.

I've learned many lessons from you. You were a faithful companion as I grew from a shy middle schooler to a confident senior...

You taught me to always be professional, whether on stage or off.
You taught me to make new friends, but always keep the old.
You taught me to branch out, and try things that scare you.
You taught me to appreciate all kinds of music.
You taught me to work hard, especially when I don't feel like it.
You taught me to appreciate my fellow choristers, and help them grow.

I'll always remember you.

*deep breath*

Hello, new red vests. Hello, little floppy ties.

Welcome to SVCC. Welcome to a stage of beautiful singing children. I hope you're ready to work hard, and make us look spiffy.

You have some pretty big shoes to fill, but I think you can do it. I'm excited for the lessons you'll teach me in my last year of choir. I have some requests, if you don't mind...

Please teach me to sing like never before.
Please teach me to reach out and welcome new choristers.
Please teach me to be a leader, both in my music and my choir friendships.
Please teach me to be a chorister that people can look up to.
Please teach me to bless those around me with my music.

I can't wait to meet you.


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